[page Core Tag Handlers] [t1]Core Tag Handlers[t1] [section] hoglet, in it's default deployment, comes with a number of core handlers that perform specific tasks. A handler is an arbitrary piece of Java code that implements the [javadoc hoglet,org.hoglet.handlers.core.TagHandler /] interface. They are: [table] [tr header]Class|Purpose|Suggested Tag|Thread Safe[tr] [tr][link text-handler.html]Text Handler[link] [mjavadoc hoglet,org.hoglet.handlers.core.TextHandler /]|Allows the content of a tag to be wrapped in a text template (usually HTML).|Any|Yes[tr] [tr][link code-handler.html]Code Handler[link] [mjavadoc hoglet,org.hoglet.handlers.core.CodeHandler /]|Allows source code to be formatted and keywords for the relevant language to be highlighted, also supports outputting of line numbers.|Any - should be name of language, i.e. java, c, perl etc.|Yes[tr] [tr][link link-handler.html]Link Handler[link] [mjavadoc hoglet,org.hoglet.handlers.core.LinkHandler /]|Allows a link to be included.|link|Yes[tr] [tr][link javadoc-handler.html]JavaDoc Handler[link] [mjavadoc hoglet,org.hoglet.handlers.core.JavadocHandler /]|Allows a link to a Javadoc reference to be included.|javadoc|Yes[tr] [tr][link xml-handler.html]XML Handler[link] [mjavadoc hoglet,org.hoglet.handlers.core.XMLHandler /]|Allows a chunk of valid XML to be formatted and highlighted.|xml|Yes[tr] [tr][link table-row-handler.html]Table Row Handler[link] [mjavadoc hoglet,org.hoglet.handlers.core.TableRowHandler /]|Allows a row of a table to be generated.|tr|Yes[tr] [tr][link hoglet-handler.html]Hoglet Handler[link] [mjavadoc hoglet,org.hoglet.handlers.core.HogletHandler /]|Allows hoglet tags to be formatted and highlighted.|hoglet|Yes[tr] [table] Each of the handlers above implement the [javadoc hoglet,org.hoglet.handlers.core.JDOMInitable,lastid=y /] which means that they can be initialised using a JDOM [javadoc jdom,org.jdom.Element /]. See: [link /xml-configured-processor.html]XML Configured Processor[link] for more details. [/section] [/page]